Sunday, April 21, 2013

Peniruan Akun Facebook (Akun "Klonengan")

Sesuai dengan judul diatas, posting-an kali ini akan membahas tentang kasus peniruan akun facebook (istilah kaskus-nya akun "klonengan") yang dialami beberapa teman saya.

Cerita ini dimulai pada hari Sabtu (2013/04/20), ketika sedang makan siang saya menerima pesan facebook dari teman saya. Pesan tersebut ditujukan kepada saya dan beberapa teman lainnya. Pada pesan tersebut, teman saya ingin meminta tolong untuk melaporkan beberapa akun facebook klonengan (yang menggunakan nama samaran) yang meniru akun facebook dia dan beberapa temannya yang lain. Setelah selesai makan siang, saya kemudian balik ke kamar, membuka laptop dan akun facebook saya, lalu melaporkan akun-akun klonengan tersebut.

Yang unik dari kasus akun facebook klonengan ini adalah akun-akun tersebut dibuat dengan tidak hanya menggunakan photos, profile picture dan cover picture yang diperoleh dari akun facebook asli teman-teman saya, tetapi dari beberapa status yang di-posting pada akun facebook klonengan tersebut dapat diketahui juga bahwa akun klonengan tersebut melakukan peniruan terhadap kehidupan pribadi dari teman-teman saya tersebut. What a freak!, itu juga yang saya pikirkan ketika mengetahui permasalahan ini lebih dalam.

Dikaji lebih jauh, didapati bahwa akun-akun klonengan tersebut saling berhubungan satu dan lainnya (friend with each other), dan beberapa diantaranya dibuat private sehingga sulit untuk dikorek lebih dalam apabila belum berstatus friend dengan akun klonengan tersebut. Kami masih terus mencari tahu siapa dalang dibalik peniruan akun-akun facebook ini. Kami mencurigai bahwa dalang dari kasus ini mungkin satu orang. Namun jika dipikir kembali, kami merasa geli juga mendapati bahwa jika dalang peniruan tersebut hanya satu orang, maka dia membuat beberapa akun facebook, membuat status, lalu memberi komentar sendiri menggunakan akun klonengan lainnya yang dibuat (really, that's a total freak). Tapi sampai dengan saat ini kami belum mengetahui siapa kira2 dalangnya (akan saya update kembali post ini apabila ada perkembangan menarik).

Tapi terlepas dari semua itu,terdapatnya kasus akun klonengan ini dapat dianggap sebagai suatu cyber crime. Walaupun sampai dengan saat ini belum nampak ada kerugian bagi pemilik akun asli yang dicatut foto-fotonya, tapi tindakan ini tidak boleh dibiarkan berlanjut lebih jauh. Bisa saja suatu saat akun klonengan tersebut digunakan untuk melakukan pencemaran nama baik atau bahkan perbuatan tidak diinginkan lainnya yang dapat merugikan pemilik akun asli tersebut. Oleh karena itu, apabila anda menemukan kasus serupa, segeralah untuk melaporkan akun klonengan tersebut. Selain itu, ada baiknya untuk memproteksi akun anda sehingga mencegah kasus peniruan serupa. Proteksi dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengatur privacy & account setting yang tersedia pada halaman timeline facebook anda pada pojok kanan atas. Aturlah siapa saja yang bisa mengakses foto-foto dan hal-hal yang ada posting di facebook untuk mencegah orang-orang yang tidak berkepentingan melakukan hal-hal yang tidak dinginkan.

Okay, at last my advice is "Remember! Always be careful with internet"

Saturday, April 20, 2013

TED: Technology, Entertaiment, and Design

Hi all!

Welcome to my second post on this blog. Today I would like to share about TED. What is your first thought when hear about TED? Is it a movie named TED? Or is it the Teddy Bear that you may think of? Or even Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother? It is common if you think about those previous examples, but that's not what I will share today (I also mistook it when the first time I heard about TED).

Atmosphere during a TED conference

TED which I will share today is an abbreviation of TED: Technology Entertaiment and Design. It is one kind of special conference that initially focused on the development of recent Technology, Entertainment and Design. In the TED conference, each presenter will give a lecture referred as "TED Talks" which is ranging from about 3 minutes up to 20 minutes. In its beginning the lecture series covered the topics that focus on the three category listed in the TED's abbreviation, but as time goes by, the scope of the talks have been expanded to cover broader area of expertise. Don't be scared about the lecture (talks), it is not like the official university or school lecture, but rather like a simple - but usually awesome, mostly inspirational, and sometimes mind-blowing - talk that will definitely enrich your knowledge or at least increase your awareness of the certain things discussed in the talks. It has a wide range of presenter, including students (from elementary up to graduate student), researchers, university professors, artists, famous people, Nobel prize laureates, and many more other speakers from all around the world.

It has a main slogan ideas worth spreading, and also in the beginning IBM sponsored most of the conferences and made me usually saw additional slogan let's make a smarter planet. As you can see through its slogans, in the beginning it was subjected to provide a conference which accommodates and encourages people to share and exchange ideas. As I remember from one TED talk I watched, William Noel: Revealing the lost codex of Archimedes, it said that "the thing to do with data, if you want it to survive, is to let it out and have everybody have it", it is also well applied to an idea. Thus if you share it properly, not only the idea will be spread, but it may also stimulate collaboration with different people with various idea to improve the existing idea. That's what we called the power of sharing, and why this program is great. In addition, you may also read the mission of TED itself as written on its wikipedia page

We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other

It is undoubtedly great, isn't it?

As time goes by, this program is gaining more popularity. Recently many TED talks are held in all parts of the world. Compare to the initial program that a certain number of people gathered around in the annual conference which is held in Long Beach, nowadays many TEDx event, a TED-like event, which in the spirit of TED mission are held at the local level. This event is similar to the main event held in Long Beach, but organized independently by many different people which should be previously granted the TED license. I once attended the TEDx event held in my campus, which in my opinion was a great opportunity to meet and discuss with brilliant speakers which may inspire our lives. My other favorite TEDx event is TEDxCaltech because of its special main theme on every event (first one was about Richard Feynman, and the second one mainly discussed about brain).

In addition TED also annually gives TED Prizes. The winner of TED Prize will be granted a certain amount of money (as of 2013 it is USD 1,000,000) and given opportunity to talk in annual TED main conference to share about their "wish to change the world". Through their "wish talk", they describe about what they dream in order to change in this world into a better place and in the end ask the people of the world together to help them to turn their dream into reality. As of 2013 many famous figures and organizations have been awarded the prize, i.e., Jill Tarter, Bill Clinton, "U2" Bono, etc., which their wishes are related to support for scientific researches, improvement of healthcare systems, poverty alleviation, etc. view as of April 20th 2013

In contrast with its first installment which was exclusively held in Long Beach, nowadays, thanks to the internet, we are now able to access new TED talk everyday via and it is totally free, thanks again to Creative Common licenses. This website is regularly visited by millions of people in a single day, and one nice quote from TED curator, Chris Anderson, about the website:

" used to be 800 people getting together once a year; now it’s about a million people a day watching TEDTalks online. ... The conference is still the engine, but the website is the amplifier that takes the ideas to the world." provides high quality TED Talk videos which can be viewed either online streaming or offline download (*.mp4 file). A full written transcript of the entire talk is also available. In the spirit of TED to share ideas to the world which not all of its people are able to understand English, an open translation program has been launched which facilitated the non-English speaking country audiences to enjoy the talk by the existence of various language subtitles. But unfortunately, this subtitle only available online (T_T)

That's all what I wanted to share about TED. Now you can experience it by yourself by simply clicking a link below
